Friday 26 December 2014

How to Sleep like a Baby

It’s 3:00 a.m. where are you? Most people would probably be asleep. However, for a large majority of people, it is near impossible for them to get a good nights rest. Without it, they are unable to focus well, they have low energy, and let’s face it, they are usually in a not so good mood. Is there anything that the sleep deprived can do in order to help give their body the much needed sleep it needs? Aside from counting sheep, which rarely works, try some of the suggestions below.

How to Sleep like a Baby

First, start out by examining your bedroom for sleep distractions. Sleep distractions would be such things as clutter, the color of the paint, the noise level, etc. If your room is painted in bright, electrifying colors, you may want to consider painting it a soothing cool color. A pale green or a soothing blue would be good choices. You can’t expect to be able to sleep if the paint in your bedroom is so bright that it looks like an airport runway.

If your room is cluttered, consider scheduling a spring cleaning day and get rid of all those unwanted sleep thieves. If a room is cluttered, it gives our mind more things to focus on and think about during the night instead of sleep. Your bedroom is supposed to be your sanctuary, and let’s face it, who wants piles of bills or junk mail in their sanctuary? Not too many people.

As far as the noise level goes, this is different for each person. Some people enjoy some form of noise while they sleep and may even purchase a noise machine, while others have to have quiet. If you fall into the latter category, try purchasing some heavy drapes to see if they block out any of the unwanted noise. While the drapes probably won’t get rid of every unwanted noise, you will notice a big difference.

Next, try not to exercise before going to bed. I’m not saying don’t exercise at all, because exercise is good for us, but we all know that exercise releases endorphins which amp us up. You can’t expect to be able to go to sleep if you feel like you could run a marathon. Try to keep exercise to either early in the mornings or to around four hours before bedtime. This will give your body time to calm down and will help you to drift off to sleep much easier.

Another suggestion to help you get a good nights sleep would be to take a nice warm bath just before you are ready to go to bed. The warm bath will not only help you to relax physically, but it will also give your brain some time to unwind as well. It doesn’t have to be a long bath, just 10 or 15 minutes should do the trick. As you are letting the water out of the tub, picture your troubles and cares being washed down the drain. A mind that is not burdened with troubles is a mind that can easily drift off to sleep.

Lighting is another issue that effects sleep. If your bedroom window lets the light of a nearby street light into your bedroom, you might want to try some of those room darkening curtains to eliminate that problem. If you can’t find any or can’t afford them, try putting a quilt up instead. If your curtain rods are sturdy, they will usually hold up the extra weight of the quilt. Either of these two things will help darken your bedroom and help you drift off to what could be the best nights sleep you’ve had in a while.

Of course, don’t forget to flip your mattress every so often to keep it from getting worn. However, if your mattress is not in good shape and you can’t afford to buy a new one (because we know they don’t come cheap), consider buying a mattress topper. This will give you the sense of a new mattress, but will cost you a fraction of the price. Toppers come in a variety of styles, and it is up to you to find the one that suits your needs.

The last tip, try and keep the temperature in your bedroom at a comfortable level. You don’t want the temperature too hot or too cold. You want it just right. Again, it is up to you, as an individual, to decide what your perfect temperature is. Try these few tips out and see if they help you get the peaceful nights slumber your body has been missing. Pleasant dreams sleep deprived.

Monday 22 December 2014

Baby's First Christmas - Celebrity Edition

The year of 2014 brought big changes in the lives of some of our favorite celebrities. New records, new releases, and new awards are always exciting, but nothing can measure up to the beauty and amazement of the birth of a baby. Meet all the new mini-celebrities that will be celebrating their very first Christmas this year.

Baby Schuyler
Parents: Rodger Berman and Rachel Zoe
Rodger Berman and Rachel Zoe (celebrity stylist) welcomed their very first baby this year, Schuyler Harris. Judging from his custom made shoes and his Missoni stroller, I think it's very safe to make the assumption that Schuyler's first Christmas will be filled with Gucci, Prada and Chanel.

Baby Flynn
Parents: Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr
Actor Orlando Bloom (Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings) and model Miranda Kerr may have given birth to the cutest baby alive. With brown hair and big blue eyes, he has been making headlines since day one. This is an extra exciting time of year for Baby Flynn; he will be celebrating his first birthday on January 6th.

Baby Haven
Parents: Cash Warren and Jessica Alba
Producer Cash Warren and actress Jessica Alba (Fantastic Four, Sin City) welcomed their second daughter, baby Haven Garner in August, much to the delight of big sister Honor Marie. Jessica recently took both three year old Honor and four month old Haven to meet Santa Claus in their local mall. How sweet is that!

Baby Morocco and Baby Monroe
Parents: Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey
Nick Cannon (America's Got Talent) and singer/actress Mariah Carey welcomed their twins on April 30th of this year. This adorable duo made one of their first public appearances last Christmas when Mariah was visibly showing during her Christmas Special. Morocco was named after the Moroccan inspired room in which Nick proposed to Mariah, and Monroe was named after one of Mariah's longtime role models, Marilyn Monroe.

Baby Harper
Parents: David & Victoria Beckham
World renowned power couple David (English soccer star) & Victoria Beckham (designer) welcomed their very first daughter this year. Baby Harper Seven joined older brothers Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz.

Baby Bingham
Parents: Matt Bellamy and Kate Hudson
Matt Bellamy (front-man of Muse) and actress Kate Hudson (Bride Wars, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days) welcomed their first baby, Bingham Hawn in August. Baby Bingham joins Kate's older son Ryder, who affectionately calls him Bing.

Baby Arabella
Parents: Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump
Jared Kushner and entrepreneur and daughter of Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, married in October 2009, welcomed their very first baby, Arabella Rose on July 17th of this year.

Baby Aleph
Parents: Benjamin Millepied and Natalie Portman
Producer Benjamin Millepied and actress Natalie Portman (V for Vendetta, Black Swan) welcomed their first baby, Aleph this year. Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, a sweet tribute to the Hebrew background of the couple.

And there, my friends, are the newest celebrities of 2011. Merry Christmas to all the baby celebs and their parents! I can't help but wonder which celebrities will make this list next year...

Christmas Simplification

This year, our famous Christmas easiest way family. We hope to fly to Texas to be with the parents and siblings of my husband, leaving the week before Christmas.

Because of these great travel plans for our rowdy group of six years, many things have been simplified in December. And I find it very liberating. Although I usually like the tradition of cutting and decorating our tree this year alone, we turned on the vegetation in our piano and some Christmas decorations scattered around the house. Decoration took half the time and half the cost! Small and simple gifts are purchased that can be easily packed in our bags. In fact, I was almost done shopping in early December!

Stress December

With a lower tone Christmas reminded me of why I often feel so stressed in December. Try to get all the good cookies to participate in ten different Christmas events, and find the perfect gift for all those involved in the life of our family. Throughout the Christmas chaos, the true meaning of Christmas is often lost. Jesus is our greatest gift, and it is your life we are celebrating.

The other night at dinner, we talk to our children about Jesus Christmas maintain concentration. With worried eyes my six year old asked me, "Mom, this is not the right to give gifts" Of course, does not mean involve giving gifts is wrong but we want our children?. understand that the gifts are not the main point of Christmas. as we talked about other ways to share the love of Jesus at Christmas, playing the piano and singing in the nursing homes to buy gifts for someone in need, my six year old son started talking she is happy you can stillgive do this kind of things and gifts to each other (reference to mom and dad).

Teach our children the great gift

So this year I'm on a mission to simplify and enable new ways to teach our children the great Christmas. Here are some things we do.

Every night before Christmas (well, maybe not every night but mostnights) we read of our favorite Christmas devotional side of the table, take the time to discuss issues and the beautiful singing hymns included.

We use our Advent calendar to think of an attribute of God or a gift that Jesus gives us each day. Children turning thinking of them and write on a piece of paper in your pocket.

We give our children a sum of money to help World Vision project of their choice. At this point, our son is most excited about the project sunlight.

We sing songs with our own family one or two nights after dinner.

We find creative and simple solutions to bless others with our time and resources, a phone call or a piece of bread.

A family favorite: representing the Christmas story on Christmas morning, as we read in the Bible. Although I wonder how many more years the ass (my husband) can lead to regrowth Mary!

My encouragement to you and to my own heart this Christmas is to avoid becoming so busy doing things (even good things!) The tight time to reflect and appreciate the true meaning of Christmas. Christmas does not mean simply declined. Even if you decide to jump in butter recipe grandma cookies, who still love the wonder of Jesus, the greatest gift

Monday 15 December 2014

Foods help you clear lungs





Pistachios not provide the same benefits directly lung cleaning how herbs are. But they are still important for anyone interested in improving their lung health. Studies suggest that pistachios may help prevent lung cancer. They contain a particular type ofvitamin E, known as gamma-tocopherol name may possibly provide protection against some forms of lung cancer. More research to demonstrate conclusively is necessary, but anyway, these delicious nuts also provide a number of advantages .. pistachios are also believed to help lower cholesterol. Raw pistachios are the best option and creates a large, regular snack. It is easy to snack on raw nuts and satisfying experience without empty calories or weight gain that comes with them.


Banana leaf

Bananas are another food that can help clear your lungs. Banana leaf, which is a wrapper popular food in Cuba and other Latin American countries, is not in the mainstream in North America. However, you can find, and I recommend using a banana leaf is like a tasty wrap around a number of foods. A quick search online for "banana leaf recipes" make dishes. As always, avoid recipes that call for sugar or flour treated with locally grown organic vegetables, or hormone-free foods as ingredients.


Cayenne pepper

Eaten as food and used as a spice, these popular peppers can contribute up to 17 health benefits and well-being for the body. They have been known to help suppress the annoying cough and sore throat and help with the management of colds and flu. Cayenne pepper helps break down and move the congested mucus, so it is recommended for those suffering from chest congestion or food respiratory diseases.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Greatest Cooking Tips

Of all time!

Food Network Magazine asked top chefs across the country for their best advice.


Check Out All of the Handwritten Tips from Food Network Chefs

1. Remember, y'all, it’s all about the prep. Take away the stress by doing the prep the night or day before. You'll look like a star.

Paula Deen

2. The smaller the item, the higher the baking temperature. For example, I bake mini chocolate chip-toffee cookies at 500 degrees F for only 4 minutes. Perfect end result.

Jim Lahey

3. Store spices in a cool, dark place, not above your stove. Humidity, light and heat will cause herbs and spices to lose their flavor.

Rick Tramonto

4. Use a coarse microplane to shave vegetables into salads or vinaigrettes. You can create an orange-fennel dressing by adding grated fennel and orange zest to a simple vinaigrette.

Paul Kahan

5. Always make stock in a large quantity and freeze it in plastic bags. That way, when you want to make a nice soup or boil veggies, you can simply pull the bag out of the freezer.

Charlie Trotter


6. If you're cooking for someone important — whether it's your boss or a date — never try a new recipe and a new ingredient at the same time.

Marcus Samuelsson

7. Cook pasta 1 minute less than the package instructions and cook it the rest of the way in the pan with sauce.

Mario Batali




8. After making eggs sunny-side up, deglaze the pan with sherry vinegar, then drizzle the sauce on the eggs to add another dimension to the dish.

Didier Elena



9. After working with garlic, rub your hands vigorously on your stainless steel sink for 30 seconds before washing them. It will remove the odor.

Gerard Craft

10. Brine, baby, brine! Ya gotta brine that poultry to really give it the super flavor.

Guy Fieri

Tuesday 9 December 2014

3 Fun Apps That Will Make You Feel Epic

Looking around the app stores for your iPhone or Android can feel a little like taking a drink out of a firehose. With so much variety, it can be overwhelming to decide which apps are really worth your time and money.

Sure, there are reviews, but will that app work for your life? Some apps feel like one more thing to keep track of in your already over-tapped schedule. However, the right app in the right hands can streamline your day and make you uber effective. So to help, here are three fun apps that will actually help you be epic in the year ahead:

Related: This App Made $200,000 Right After It Premiered On 'Shark Tank'

Lift: This self-proclaimed life-coach app really is all that. Lift helps you set any kind of goal, track and monitor it and even inspires you along the way. Its tagline is “succeed at everything,” and it certainly feels like that’s possible. The other cool thing about Lift is that it acts like its own mini social media platform, allowing you to get community support from other Lift users as you go for your goals.

When you meet your own pre-set goals, the folks at Lift send out encouraging emails to keep you motivated and going. It’s a cool concept for staying on track with your New Year resolutions (remember those?) in 2014. And while you can’t necessarily put a price on success, this free app to get you there is one to try.

Related: This New Service Will Print Your Digital Photos for Free -- With a Catch

WorkFlowy: Need a way to organize that’s easy and convenient? WorkFlowy is a lifesaver. The setup is straightforward and helps you track your overflowing to-do list in a simple, all-in-one spot on your phone. No more post-it notes lying around the office. The app design is clean and simple, organized the same way your brain thinks with lots of lists and sub-bullets that feed into bigger overall tasks or jobs.

There’s no learning curve. If you can read and write, the app is already fully functional for you. With some big name fans already using this “stress less, do more” app such as Evan Williams, the founder of Blogger and Twitter, there are plenty of reasons to download it now. It’s free! Save time and be epic with WorkFlowy.  

Oyster: It was only a matter of time before someone thought of an app such as Oyster. This epic app allows you unlimited access to more than 100,000 books from your mobile device for less than $10 a month.

Reading is a huge part of success. It trains your brain to focus, inspires you with ideas, jumpstarts creativity and allows you to learn from others' mistakes. For the same cost as a Netflix membership or a Spotify premium account, you could be cramming some great information into your brain. The selection is vast and representative of all kinds of titles and genres and there’s no limit to the amount of books you can read a month with your app membership. So download Oyster and get reading!


Thursday 4 December 2014

Laptops in the Kitchen

What Do You Think?



This came up during our discussion on the pros and cons of electronic delivery for food magazines, and we thought it would be interesting to put the question out there. Do you display recipes on a laptop while cooking, or is that just begging for trouble?

Personally, we've started bringing our laptop into the kitchen more frequently in the past few months. We're finding the majority of our recipes online these days and displaying the recipe our laptop often beats jotting it down or using up paper to print it off.

We set the laptop on a table across the room from where we're actually cooking, so there's (hopefully!) no danger of accidentally spilling ingredients onto the keyboard. Having sticky fingers is sometimes an issue, but we can usually reduce the page size of the recipe so that it fits on one screen, thus reducing the need to scroll.

We also think we'll take a suggestion from Kitchn reader Tiamat_the_Red and start covering the keyboard with plastic wrap. If we had a Kindle or an iPhone, we would probably do the same thing but put the device in a sealed plastic bag.

The only downside to this high-tech move is not having an good system for taking notes or marking changes. We try to keep a spiral notebook for these things, but this can still be confusing when want to make the recipe again and need to figure out how our notes correspond with the online recipe.

Do you ever bring your laptop into the kitchen?

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Sun’s Effect on Baby Skin